Jocelyn Gonzalez with Rachel Harris (Executive Director) and Bryan Shull (Board Chair) at a TMI client event.
Jocelyn Gonzalez, Principal Consultant, has been actively involved with the organization Toward Maximum Independence (TMI) since she joined the Board of Directors in 2013. TMI is a $19 million not-for-profit with ~400 employees serving nearly 1,000 clients with developmental disabilities to live, work and thrive in their community. An estimated 1 in 6 people are born with a developmental disability (DD), and TMI has helped the DD community through Family Support, Supported Living, and Supported Employment programs offered across San Diego, Riverside and Imperial Counties.
Jocelyn is currently serving her third term as Treasurer, providing financial leadership to help the organization grow sustainably and achieve a 100/100 rating by Charity Navigator for Finance and Accountability. She has been passionate about fiscal matters impacting TMI employees and clients, supporting initiatives to expand benefits to direct staff who are critical to providing care and service to clients.
If you or a loved one is part of the DD, deaf and hard of hearing, or disabled veteran communities and would like to explore how TMI can help, please send an email to or call (800) 877-5452.